Sunday, April 03, 2011

Chipmunks return!

I saw my first chipmunk yesterday (April 2). This was the first winter I can recall when I didn't see a chipmunk during a January thaw. Why? Because there never was a thaw. There was a constant, usually very thick, layer of snow the whole season. It's really a wonder how chipmunks can survive in their burrows for so long without seeing the light of day or getting fresh air.

I know many people regard chipmunks as vermin, but I don't have a problem with them. I haven't noticed any great damage--I even have tulips come up year after year, and I haven't planted any in ten years.

And what if they did a little damage? I get more enjoyment watching them than I would having another tulip. Humans can't just keep the whole world to ourselves.

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