Saturday, April 09, 2011

First butterfly of the season!

When I stepped outside today, a butterfly flew over my head. Although I didn't see it clearly, I believe it was a mourning cloak. The photo (taken a few years ago, not today) shows a mourning cloak, somewhat battered. I'm not surprised that it should be a mourning cloak since they overwinter as adults, in contrast to other butterflies that overwinter in other various stages.

For example, we're still waiting for my black swallowtail pupae to emerge. They've been sitting in their pupal form in the aquarium since mid-summer last year! When the temperatures reach 60, I expect they'll start thinking about emerging.

I also saw a number of bees today, though I saw my first bee a few days ago. But I wonder what they're eating? There are very few things blooming--not even the pussy willows, which are still gray catkins.

Maybe the early bees just take the chance that they'll be able to survive and thus get a head start. If so, then these lost the bet...

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